The Virginia AUXCOMM Association
Is an umbrella organization to provide information, resources and coordination for Amateur Radio Groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia that support emergency communications response to various agencies.
The registration on this page is for any EmComm group in Virginia. This is an
interactive registration that you can update at anytime. Your group leaders will have access to your group's information and can printout needed reports. You can also change your availability status at will.
VDEM - AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Communications Workshop (DHS OEC)
The Virginia AUXCOMM class is now history but was an outstanding training experience. The class was conducted by Hank Koebler, N3ORX from Tennessee with Jim Millsap, WB4NWS and Randy Kerr, KD4KHO both from Georgia. Those enrolled in the class were from all across the Commonwealth. This included hams from the Shenandoah Valley, others were from northern Virginia with locations such as Fairfax and DC. We had hams from the east coast and the Richmond area. There were a number of hams from Southwestern Virginia. State government was also represented with one person from VITA. This wide mix of people allowed for excellent relationship building among the ham community from across Virginia.
I feel this training experience will serve as a springboard to propel emergency communications and public service across the Commonwealth forward. Nearby states such as Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia have made the AUXCOMM model the centerpiece for their emergency communications efforts. This is reflected in the high quality of their Amateur Radio's support to the agencies of their states.
I look forward to working with these certified members of AUXCOMM and the development of the AUXCOMM Association from across Virginia.
Virginia's First AUXCOMM Class Held in Salem Virginia, July 18th and 19th, 2015
There will be an AUXCOMM meeting held at the Ronaoke Valley Hamfest on August 6, 2016. You do not need to be AUXCOMM certified to attend this meeting. It is open to all hams interested in emergency communications. Click on the EmComm News button on the left side of this page for additional details.
The requirements for AUXCOMM Association membership is outlined HERE.
This button is a link to a podcast for Ham Radio Now! This is a podcast of an interview with the staff of the podcast and Glen Sage, N4DN. The subjects are "Winlink as a common standard for a juristiction" and a Virginia recent exercise, "Winter Fury".
AUXCOMM class of 2019 held on Novmber 15,16 and 17th at the Fairfax Government Center. Pictured above are the Hams that completed the course.