The Virginia EmComm Association
Is an umbrella organization to provide information, resources and coordination for Amateur Radio groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia that support emergency communications response to various agencies.
The registration on this page is for any EmComm group in Virginia. This is an interactive registration that you can update at anytime. Your group leaders will have access to your group's information and can printout needed reports. You may also change your availability status at will.
This Page Will Have a Listing of Nets in Virginia That Support Emergency Communications.
Virginia Section HF Nets:
First and Third Mondays of each month @ 1830 hours:
Old Dominion Emergency Net (ODEN)/A (Alpha)
3.947 MHz LSB (Alt: 7.240 MHz LSB)
Second and Fourth Mondays of each month @ 1830 hours:
Old Dominion Emergency Net (ODEN)/D (Digital)
3.578.5 MHz USB Olivia 4/500 1300 Hz audio offset (Alt: 7.050 MHz USB)
The Emergency Communications Training Net- 147.045, 145.27, 443.375 and 146.775 linked system
Every Monday night at 2000 hours (8:00 pm Eastern Time) IRLP Reflector 9214, East Coast Reflector
Mondays @ 2000 hours
Goochland County ARES
147.270+/203.5 (turned off for net)
Mondays @ 2100 hours
Combined Hanover/Henrico County ARES![](/tp.gif)
Chesterfield County ARES
Blacksburg SKYWARN Repeater System
Prince George County/Dinwiddie County ARES
Primary 146.745 - 107.2 Linked Repeater system
Primary: 147.390-/74.4![](/tp.gif)
K4VL 145.13 -103.5 Linked Repeater System
Backup: 444.275+/103.5
Wednesday Evenings @ 20:00 (8pm)
Fairfax County ARES/RACES Weekly Net
146.91(-) Tone 77.0 or 146.79(-) Tone 77.0
Directed Net/Training Net
Thursdays @ 2030 hours
Virginia Capital District ARES
Primary: 145.430-/74.4 - Analog Mode
Backup: 146.940-/74.4
Thursday @ 2100 Hours 145.430-/74.4
Rappahannock Valley ARES/RACES
Primary 147.015 + 600 Khz Tone 88.5
1 st Backup 145.270 - 600 Khz Tone 79.7
2 nd Backup 146.775 - 600 Khz Tone 156.7