Is an umbrella organization to provide information, resources and coordination for Amateur Radio Groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia that support emergency communications response to various agencies.
Rapid Emergency Deployment Teams
The RED Teams (Rapid Emergency Deployment Teams) will be available throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide skilled, trained and committed ham radio operators to provide emergency communications. Membership in a RED Team doesn't require membership in any other organization. It will not exclude members of the RED Team from belonging to any other emergency communications group.
We will have two levels of membership, one is a training status and the second is full membership. Those in the training category should be working toward full membership. Minimum requirements for full membership is ICS-100, 200, 700 and 800. Radio training will include ARRL EC-001. The cost for this course is $50.00 for members of the ARRL and $85.00 for non-members. You may also substitute KYEmCOMM course which is a free online training course, AUXCOMM or COML or other comparable courses will also serve as certification. A full member will also have checked into at least 5 emergency nets or training nets. The full member will also have participated in at least one Simulated Emergency Test (SET) or an actual emergency response. Full members will also have completed a background check with any agency. Another qualifications is a willingness to work with any emergency communications group active in the field. To register as Trainee only requires that you have a ham license and a willingness to work toward the requirements to quality as a full member.
Our first team will be centered in SW Virginia but we are seeking for formation of such teams throughout the state. To contact the webmaster, click here.