The Virginia EmComm Association
Is an umbrella organization to provide information, resources and coordination for Amateur Radio groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia that support emergency communications response to various agencies.
The registration on this page is for any EmComm group in Virginia. This is an interactive registration that you can update at anytime. Your group leaders will have access to your group's information and can printout needed reports. You can also change your availability status at will.
News Concerning EmComm Events and Announcement Throughout Virginia
There will be an AUXCOMM Forum held at the William Byrd High School on August 6, 2016. The meeting will run from 11:00 am until 12:00 noon. This is being held at the Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club hamfest. Leadership for the forum will be Chris Bruce, K9CLB from Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) and Glen Sage, W4GHS. You do not need to be a member of any emergency communications groups to attend this meeting. It is open to all interested people.