Hurricane Echo Photos- Please email your photos here
David Fletcher, K4DCF at Roanoke Red Cross
Montgomery Hospital, Ken Walker, WO4OM and Ed Lener, AK4IS
Ed Lener and Ken Walker at Montgomery Hospital
Ken Walker and Roger Bell, N4FPA
Nick Deskins, KK4VZI Home Station
KQ4AZ, Rich Beaver at the
Carroll County EOC, photo by Josh KM4AZM
Blacksburg Skywarn, Glen Sage, W4GHS photo by Beverly, KI4JTV
Click on Photos to Enlarge!
New River Valley Red Cross
Danny Wylam, AI4RC at NRV Red Cross
Danny, AI4RC with Roger, NRV Disaster Manager
Robby Wingate, KI4NER at Independance Rescue
Frank Howard, WB1USN working Winlink at the
Independance Rescue Squad
Frank, WB1USN, operating voice from Independance Rescue
KA4EMH Comm Trailer at Wythe/Bland County Line
KA4EMH Trailer at Big Walker Tower see 5 states from here
Randy Lilly, KA4EMH operating as net cortrol on K4EZ System
Photo by W4SVP of CSJH EOC
Franklin County ARC, SET 2014