Operation Tsunami-2018

This information is for a Simulated Emergency Test and not an actual emergency! 

Date and Operational Time: The Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held on January 27th from 0800 until 1400 hours local time. This drill will be a combined Skywarn, hospital, agency and Amateur Radio emergency communications-training event.  Both Skywarn and EmComm activities will run concurrently. 

This event is not designed as a surprise activation.  Earthquakes, tornadoes, EMPs etc occur with  little or no warning.  This Tsunami will require 10 hours to arrive on the east coast when coming from the Canary Islands.

The primary goal is to test and improve emergency communications capability of Amateur Radio. Secondly we want to enhance the working relationship between Amateur Radio and served government, non government agencies and volunteer agencies. This testing will be under simulated emergency communications conditions that are realistic for the location and season of the drill.  All traffic or messaging will be prefaced with and end with the statement,"this is a test, this is a drill"  This statement should also be made by net controls on a regular basis.


Agencies: The drill will includes such agencies as the National Weather Service with their Skywarn program, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, county and city emergency groups such as E-911, rescue squads, search and rescue groups, fire departments, and hospitals. Volunteer agencies such as Red Cross, Salvation Army, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, CERT groups, and VOID etc may elect to participate by registering at this site,http://www.w4ghs.org/Tsunimi-Registration.html or email me.

To: All

We are just a week away from the emergency communications exercise, Tsunami 2018.  I have completed the out going traffic for each station.  I will be sending each of you a folder via email for your out-going   traffic.  Remember each of these messages are on an ICS-213 and have the lower part of the form for a reply.  About all messages will require a reply.  When you begin to do a message count, remember when you send your message that counts as a message sent.  When you receive a message that counts as one message received.  The same is true of your replies.  I will send you a blank text form to compose messages from you station to local stations within your local area.  Most all canned messages will be addressed to distant stations within the exercise area.

If you are using Winlink Express, you can place the information in the templates for ICS-213.  If you are using Airmail software, you may send it as an attachment or you may copy and paste it into the blank message form.

Between now and the exercise, brush up on you Winlink skills and insure that your Winlink equipment is working OK.  You can test you system by sending a test message to KA4EMH@Winlink.org.  Randy will reply back to you.

Be sure to make photos of your operation and send those to me for posting on the website.  Email those to me at w4ghs@w4ghs.org.  Check the ICS-605s for your area and if they need updated, do that prior to the exercise.   Be sure that you have the Winlink addresses for your traffic in your Winlink address book.  You can find these at http://www.w4ghs.org/Tsunami_Winlink.html.  For information on operators that do not have Winlink go to http://www.w4ghs.org/Tsunami-Hams.html.

If you are simulating going to the impact area from a distant point, contact the National Weather Service for a weather report at AI4RC@Winlink.org.  Danny will be operating on Winlink only.  Those that simulating evacuating from the impact area should also contact the NWS to secure a weather report.


Glen Sage, W4GHS
Operation Tsunami-2018
January 27, 2018
0800 until 1400
Simulated Emergency Test

Registration for Hams or Agencies