This view shows only the 10 foot console
The trailer sports a 10 foot console and rigs to cover public service frequencies in the VHF low band area and a rig in the VHF high band, both type accepted for use in the public service and commercial frequencies. We have an IC-718 HF 160 through 10 meters for HF Winlink applications that is connected to a SCS Pactor III TNC.
For HF voice we have a Yaesu FT 857, this rig also covers 2 meters and 1.25 cm. The trailer has a quad-band rig, Yaesu 8900 that covers 10 meters, 6 meters, 2 meters and 440 MHz, this rig also serves for cross band repeat. We are using the Yaesu 2800 for two meter voice and the Icom IC -8000 for VHF Winlink and RMS relay. The Winlink VHF rig is connected to a Kantronics KPC-3 Plus TNC. There is also a color printer, HP 6000.
We have mag mount verticals for about all VHF/UHF radios along with mast mounted antennas if more range is needed. For HF we have a 30 meter dipole and a broadband Windom that covers all HF along with 6 meters and will also cover 2 meter and 440 sideband if needed. Power may be supplied via batteries, 4400 watt generator, or ac power from commercial sources. Dave Potter, W4RPI will be activating with a 4 wheel drive pick up with 3 Winlink stations and other voice and cross band capabilities. The trailer and crew will be available for both public service and emergency communications on both local and major disasters where needed.