Christiansburg Church of the Brethren
310  S. Franklin Street
P.O.Box 5030 
Christiansburg, Virginia 24068
Phone: 540-382-2221
Pastor Paul Stover
Hi and welcome to our church website.  I'm glad you've visited our website and invite you to visit the church and worship with us. 

I believe you will find Christiansburg Church of the Brethren to be a friendly, warm and welcoming congregation committed to following Jesus Christ.  We believe every person, calling, gift and talent are important and needed in the church body. 

We try very hard to give you a glimpse into our church through this website however, the best way to determine the heart of a congregation is to spend time with its people.  On behalf of our congregation, I invite you to come worship with us.  

I look forward to seeing you soon!​

Pastor Paul 
Copyright © 2018 Christiansburg Church of the Brethren, all rights reserved