This course is free and the license exam is free
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Please Order a Technician Class Manual. Ham Radio License Manual Revised 3nd Edition. Order number 0222, $29.95 less 25% passed on to the student ($22.47 + 1.35 tax for a total of $23.82 each) Make checks payable to Glen Sage.
Register and get your book ordered by the morning of March 30st to insure that you will have your book by the first class session!
I will be teaching a ham radio license class in the month of ?? 2019. This course requires 8 sessions (7 to 9 pm) to prepared the students to pass their license exam. We would need to meet twice per week to complete the class in one month. These sessions would be on Tuesday and Friday of each week . The cost for the course is FREE and the license test at the end of the course is also free. The only cost for the course is for the ARRL License Manual, 3rd Edition which retails for $29.95 but I am giving my instructors discount to the students so the actual cost is $22.46+ $1.35 tax = $23.81 total which includes shipping. Many areas charge for the class, and charge retail for the book and charge $15.00 to take the exam. Our class provides a real savings to those that take the class. The class will meet at the Carroll County Fire and Rescue building (EMS) at 499 Floyd Pike (Route 221).
This class is open to all people regardless of your place of residence, race, gender or age. We have had 10 year-olds and those that were 80 to pass the test and get a license. We have 20 seats for the class so register early to insure a seat.
The class will place an emphasis on serving with emergency communications.
Glen Sage, W4GHS,