Winlink Virginia Stations
Click on Image of the Radio to View listing of Winlink Stations in Virginia
Winlink Station Listings

The file that is linked to the image on the left is a collection of Winlink stations where information has been gather from multiple sources and may or may not be current.  If there is an error or incomplete information, please go to the "Registration" tab above and complete this short form and update the information.

Some of the reasons for these listings is in the event a communications emergency occurs in an area and information is needed from the affected area a Winlink station can be contacted.  If you are running a portable VHF/UHF Winlink station and your are being dispatched to an area that you need gateway or portal information these listed Winlink stations should be a good source for this type of information.
RMS and CMS are listed and located on maps at the Winlink International site but there is no listing for Winlink stations.  In emergencies a Winlink station can contact anyone via conventional e-mail if the Internet is functional in the area that you are needing to contact.  If the local Internet is down, there are many Winlink stations that would be available Winlink to Winlink if their call was known but without a listing for Virginia it would be difficult to know contacts for a given location. 

Stations listed may be on HF, VHF or UHF.  If you address your mail to their call at, your mail will be available when their station polls the server.  I would encourage everyone running Winlink to check their mail on a regular basis and to periodically send traffic via Winlink to ensure that your equipment is functioning as it should.  If you are supporting an agency with a Winlink installation, operate from that location at regular intervals to ensure proper operation of equipment and to maintain strong relationship with the agency.

If you are not currently using Winlink but would like to install a station and your need assistance click on the "tab" above that is labeled "Virginia Support" and we will try to get someone to assist your by phone, e-mail or in person.

This site is not affiliated with any organization but our aim is to be supportive of hams and agencies in using Winlink as another important tool in providing both backup and primary communications in times of communications crisis.
This page was last updated: November 7, 2017
Webmaster: W4GHS
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