Registration/Certification for Twin County RACES/EARS
(Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service)
(Emergency Amateur Radio Service)
Registration with the local jurisdictional emergency management means that you are also a member of RACES under the Virginia Department of Emergency Management
(When making changes, enter your call and the change being made.)
First Name:
Last Name:
Call Sign
Street Address:
City or Town:
Telephone Number:
License Class
Email Address:
To clear this form and start again, click here
Click here to submit your form to the RACES Radio Training Officer
I own a 4/all-wheel drive, ham radio equipped vehicle
County or Independent City
Cell Phone
Address 2
Available for Local Activation Only (40 mile radius)
If you are modifying your information, just enter your call and change your information that requires correction and hit "submit".
Listing OK.
RACES Training Certifications
Background Check- Government, Hospital or Red Cross
Checked into at least 5 Emergency Communcations nets
Participated in one Simulated Emergency Test in the last 3 years