Operation Noah at the Various Locations
Take your camera with you and send your photos of the exercise to glensageATcenturylink.net and I will place them on this page following the drill. Please send these in a JPEG format. These photos do not need to be in high resolution to show up excellent on a webpage.
To enlarge these thumbnails, click on them and then maximize
Phil Foster at
the Pulaski EOC
Phil Foster &
Josh Tolbert EM
Pulaski County
Beverly, KI4JTV
Operating Voice at Woods River ARC
Deanna, KJ4VVL
Operating Winlink at Woods River ARC
N3AO, Carter Operating Voice at NWS Blacksburg
N6QDO, Jim Operating digital and voice from the NWS
W4YE Buddy at Shelter 1, Franklin
W4YE Buddy operating HF
Franklin County
Franklin County digital operations shelter one
Franklin County shelter one Winlink
traffic displayed